2018-07-01 - Kensington Ramble

^z 22nd February 2023 at 8:24pm

~11.3 mi @ ~15.0 min/mi

Snaky string lies S-shaped on the street – and several steps later, a sad snake, squashed. New cut-through to Blueford Road leads past front-yard happy putti sculptures and a classic car hood ornament. Sultry fog lingers low over Ken-Gar meadow, where a depleted "Nuclear Warhead" firework shell remains. Big deer stare, then flee.

"My heart is heavy!" says Gayatri, and shares memories of a friend who passed away last evening. Legs likewise feel leaden after long runs in yesterday's heat. Barry soars up the hills as we meander to connect the Matthew Henson and Rock Creek trails.

"Knock, knock!" No answer from a tap on Mike & Adeline's door. Yesterday they accepted fist-bump salutes as they led training groups near the Mormon Temple; today they're likely running crazy mountains!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-07-22